How to Prepare
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Before the Photoshoot


Start preparing different outfits as soon as you book the photoshoot. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. You’re free to bring whatever makes you feel confident and sexy – the most popular choices include:
– Bra and panty sets, lingerie
– Body-shapers and corsets
– Favourite dress-shirts or even T-Shirts
– Hats or ties
– Other personal items and accessories such as instruments
Basically, you’re free to bring anything you can think of.


– Drink lots of water, especially during the last 3-5 days before the photoshoot
– Avoid alcohol, fast food, and other substances that could make you look tired, puffy or dry your skin.
– Don’t dye your hair or use any artificial tanning products a few days before the photoshoot.

The Day Before the Photoshoot

What to Prepare

– Any outstanding payment
– Your chosen outfits & boots
– Jewellery
– Anything that you’ve thought of at the last minute 😊

Logistics & Other Preparation

– Drink lots of water
– Have a good sleep
– Wax or shave your body, especially underarms and legs
– Take care of your fingers and toes (you can also use press-on nails)
– Double check the address and GPS settings (if you drive) and the route to where we meet.

Got Any Extra Questions About the Preparation?

Ready to Book Your Photoshoot?